Yesterday I went to two amazing exhibitions.
The first at the Victoria and Albert Museum with Fashion in Nature. This exhibition explored the use of nature in fashion. The first part showed how nature was used from early civilisation from the used of fur and other animal part to adorn their fashion. For example beetles wings to decorate a dress or stuffed birds to accessories a hat. It also showed natural ways fabric was made and the impact this had on health, environment and communities. The first part was quite intense and I wouldn't recommend for any hard core vegans out there. But it was interesting and fascinating.
The second part of the exhibition was modern day. It showed the progression of modern day fashion how they progressed, the impact of fast fashion and the impact once again on environment and communities across the world which helps the supply the chain for fast. And how the fashion and environmentally agencies were trying to slow it down.
There were interesting pieces but designers who were able to use science and nature to create fabrics which had little to no environmental impact like Stella McCartney fashion.
Stella McCartney